Kailash Journey

Few Mountain reval Holy Mt. Kailash and lake Manasarovar for its mystique. It is considered to be the "center of the universe" by Hindus, Buddhist, Jain and Bonpo and its flanks give birth to four great Asian rivars the Indus, Brahmaputra, Ganges and Satlej. Accordingly its near legendary reputation draws pilgrims from throughout Asia to walk the sacred path arround the earthly incarnation of the mythical Mount Meru and Lake Manasarovar. Once pilgrimage tour made to this holy site assures the free from the sins of a lifetime. A journey to Kailash is to purify yourself, It is a journey to feel sanctity, It is a journey to have peace of mind and it is journey toward Nirvana.

Kathmandu Kailash Overland Tour

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Kailash Overland Tour also known as Kathmandu Kailash Overland Tour, Kathmandu to Kailash Overland starts from Kathmandu city via Kyirong a newly opened route after closure of Kodari border due to massive earthquake in 2015. It is a fresh and new route for traveler via northern highway from Kathmandu via most popular trekking region of Nepal

Price: USD 1,950 USD 2,050
Days: 13 days
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Lhasa Kailash Kathmandu Tour

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Lhasa Kailash Kathmandu Overland tour is one of the remarkable journey throughout, starting from the forbidden city Lhasa to Kailash via following ancient city Shigatse and Gyantse with visiting most of cultural sites in Central and Western Tibet.

Price: USD 2,450 USD 2,470
Days: 12 days
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Lhasa Kailash Flight Tour

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Lhasa Kailash Flight Tour is one of the luxurious and It is specially designed for those who have limited time to take journey of Kailash. Now no worry!! Lhasa - Ali flight is now in daily operation and it can be your ideal choice to take Flight journey to Kailash with minimum duration.

Price: USD 2,750
Days: 8 days
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Simikot to Kailash Trekking

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Simikot to Kailash Trekking is one of the unforgetable and unusual experience in terms of culture, nature and adventure. Simikot to Kailash trek trail is opened in 1997 to foriegn tourist. Since then traveling Kailash was more easier and of course with more cultural exploration of Humla

Price: USD 2,950 USD 2,980
Days: 17 days
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Simikot Limi Valley Kailash Trek

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Humla’s snow capped mountains; lush valleys, unique Trans-Himalayan plateau, rocky cliffs, quiet lakes, long streaming rivers andabundance of wildlife are major attractions for visitors. Simikot is the gate way of Mt. Kailash.The way leads along with mighty Karnali River until getting Kermi

Price: USD 3,600 USD 3,625
Days: 18 days
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Guge Kingdom Khyunglung Valley

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Tsamda (Zada / Tsada) county is the current name for the region which once was known as the Guge kingdom. It extends along the banks of the upper Sutlej from Khyunglung, southwest of Montser, as far as the Indian border, where the river flows into Kinnaur below the Sibkyi La pass.

Price: USD 2,850 USD 3,025
Days: 16 days
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Lhasa Kailash Kashgar Tour

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Lhasa Kailash Kashgar overland tour is one of the greatest Himalayas adventures. In two weeks of duration you will have traveled almost the entire length of the Himalayas and Karakorum mountain ranges. On this route, there will be enough time for browsing some of the oldest monasteries in Tibet

Price: USD 3,564
Days: 15 days
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Simikot Kailash EBC Lhasa Trip

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After that the trip combines some spiritual and historical detours around Mt. Kailash to Mt. Everest Base Camp north then the real Tibetan cultural journey starts toward Lhasa via visiting Shigatse & Gyantse city with nomorous cultural sightseeing along the way to the Lhasa city.

Price: USD 4,400 USD 4,590
Days: 21 days
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Kailash Heli Tour Ex Kathmandu

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There is 2 option to take the journey one starting from Kathmandu and the other starting from Lucknow. It is specially designed for Indian pilgrims, Who start from Kathmandu, could take blessing of Pashupatinath while starting from Lucknow will miss Pashupatinath as the route follows direct to Nepalgunj.

Price: USD 2,950 USD 3,080
Days: 10 days
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Kailash Heli Tour Ex Lucknow

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Kailash Heli (Chopper) Tour ex Lucknow is the shortest route for Indian Pilgrims. Kailash heli (Chopper) Tour is designed for those who want to travel in minimum time frame and also for those who are physically cannot undertake by walking or trekking and also for those who like to prefer luxury option to travel Kailash. So it is now one of the best option for all option and purposes.

Price: USD 2,795 USD 2,880
Days: 8 days
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Kailash Saka Dawa Festival Tour

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The Kailash Saka Dawa Festival is a significant religious event celebrated by Buddhists in Tibet and other Himalayan regions. It commemorates the birth, enlightenment, and parinirvana (death) of Lord Buddha. The festival usually falls on the full moon day of the fourth Tibetan month, which is known as Saka Dawa.

Price: USD 2,450 USD 2,580
Days: 14 days
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